Final Notes

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Simply put, the Blended Learning approach offers unequaled advantages to students. It allows for far greater differentiated instruction than otherwise available in the traditional environment, and offers additional support to those students either behind or ahead of the rest. For those who need to move slower along their curriculum or those who require a faster rate of learning to keep their interest, Blended Learning allows for individualized pacing. In order to support the extension of the traditional school day into ‘anytime, anywhere’ learning, the teacher is correspondingly available well beyond the classroom walls and hours. The opportunities for a collaborative approach to education (both amongst students within the local community and that which extends globally) are without limit. Significantly, the model facilitates connections within the curriculum, leading to an emphasis on higher levels of thought (as described by Bloom’s Taxonomy) (Morehead et al., 2004). Students will come out of this environment well equipped with the skills and experience required in the technologically advanced workspaces that await them.

It must be noted that due to the technological requirement central to Blended Learning, there is reason for concern in lower socio-economic regions that would undoubtedly face barriers to access. Despite the increasingly narrowing divide in this respect (with technology becoming less expensive by the day), the challenges faced by schools lacking the necessary resources are real, and should be given serious attention.(DO YOU WANT THIS?)

These concerns notwithstanding, what is certain is that by employing the Blended Learning approach, teachers and students alike will benefit in significant ways. The future of education lies here.